Friday, March 26, 2010

Lay Ecclesial Movements

Lay Ecclesial Movements

This section of the book discusses the differing lay ecclesiastical movements that spread in the Philippines during the 20th century. Although many members of society may assume that there is a large lack of lay ecclesiastical movements in the country, this is actually quite far from the truth as the Philippines, being a mostly Catholic country, does have many of these movements present with some of their headquarters situated in the country, as is with the Couples for Christ movement. Unlike other lay movements Couples for Christ, commonly known as CFC, spreads the word of God through emphasizing the importance of family and the role that parents have in shaping the family’s bond with our Lord and the Church. As it’s headquarters may be located at the country’s capital city of Manila it’s influence has spread to the various parts of the country and has even branched out to other countries around the world.

Its influence may be somewhat compared to that of the Legion of Mary which, though founded initially in Ireland, has a major contingent of it’s members situated in the Philippines. It’s membership is also on a voluntary basis and evangelizes indiscriminately, old and young, rich and poor, Catholic and non-Christian, and serves God through what are known as “Spiritual Works of Mercy” under the banner of the Blessed Virgin.

Also discussed in this section is the Knights of Colombus, which is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization which is named after Christopher Columbus of which many saints have come from as well as the growing movement known as Opus Dei. It is an organization of the Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity and although initially Opus Dei was only open to male members it has grown to include women and clergymen. As many of their members take on jobs as lay officeworkers, married couples and others in the social hierarchy their advocacy of having a strong relationship with God through the work one does by offering these up to God seems more believable and attractive. This section thus discusses the lay ecclesiastical movements which are found in the Philippines as well as the basic information surrounding them such as their mission, vision, history and membership as well as their position in modern society.

Couples for Christ

There are many other lay groups that may be found in the Philippines, but there are not as many of these that were formed primarily in the country with it as its original base of operations. One of these is the charismatic group known as Couples for Christ otherwise known as CFC.

Couples for Christ was founded in 1981 in the Philippines’s capital city of Manila. It was begun by 16 married couples who then belonged to another Catholic charismatic group known as Ligaya ng Panginoon. It was initially formed as an extension of the group towards the evangelization of married couples but soon spread. It became a movement intended for “the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life” and grew to become a means for married couples to rekindle their relationship with our Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Text Box: the 16TH Handmaids of the Lord International Conference  that was held at the Philsports Arena (ULTRA) in Pasig City from April 17-19, 2009. A total of 4585 delegates attended.DSC_3148.JPG Initially the group began by initiating a new method of evangelization which consisted of bringing together small groups of couples in a private home where they had discussions and prayer meetings in such a way that they were brought to what was called “a living relationship with Jesus Christ”. They were also brought into a renewed life through the power of, and in the presence of, the Holy Spirit through a series of informal discussions of the gospel which was occurred once a week in very a social yet holy environment. As the years passed the group grew larger easily becoming nothing short of what became known to be a Christian family life renewal program. It was soon made available to parishes and numerous other groups of married couples who wished to “live out their Christian life in an active supportive relationship with one another.”

Couples for Christ finally severed its ties from Ligaya ng Panginoon in 1993 and is now one of 122 International Associations of the Faithful which has official Vatican recognition. It was on March 11 of the jubilee year that the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of CFC as an international association of the faithful. An International Council leads this group working in the Philippines under the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, otherwise known as the CBCP. It may report directly to the Vatican due to this recognition and is mainly made up of three distinct groups; the family ministries, the social arms group, and a pro-life ministry.

Membership in the group does not appear to be relatively difficult as any validly married Catholic couple can become members of Couples for Christ as well as non-Catholic Christians although it is indeed a Catholic movement/organization. Couples for Christ remains open to having these different types of members as it is known for drawing its membership from all parts of the community. As such, it may be understood that Couples for Christ, as an organization of faithful Christian laity, does not discriminate based on cultural, economic, educational, social background or any other such distinctions. The organization has some 960,000 members and is present in over 76 countries around the globe with their headquarters at 349 Ortigas Avenue, Greenhills East, Mandaluyong City 1554, Philippines. They also distribute exclusively published works such as In His Steps, a quarterly publication of Biblical reflection; Mothers, a fortnightly magazine and Ugnayan, a fortnightly newsletter.

Though membership may seem to be simple staying in the organization may not be as simple as getting in. This is so because devout members of the organization are those who have taken up Christ’s call to be the “salt of the earth and the light of the world”, as well as to spread the Gospel. In doing so they promote peace and justice, defend the poor and oppressed, and promote the Christian unity. The organization reaches its objectives through family programs aimed at making the family a “domestic church”. They promote individual renewal, family renewal and church renewal in everything they do and aim towards 4 main global goals; evangelization and formation, family renewal, total Christian liberation and effective/efficient governance.

As is stated in their mission and vision; “We are Couples for Christ. We are committed to live in God’s righteousness and holiness, evangelizing people through a life of love and service; we shall work for the renewal of families that will serve God and build generations of Christian leaders; and, we shall pursue Total Christian Liberation through social justice, respect for life, and work with the poor.”

Legion of Mary

This foundation was founded by Frank Duff. He is known for bringing the attention for the Second Vatican Council. September 7, 1921 is the date wherein the Legion of Mary was founded in the city of Dublin. This organization willed to give service to the Church voluntarily. They put spiritual welfare of an individual an important part of their ministry. They are willing to work for the Church and for Mary. This organization is open to all, Priest, Religious and lay people.

Text Box: Frank Duff, founder of the Legion of Mary

This organization is mainly for the women and Frank Duff himself. His original system continued until 1929 where in this organization was opened to everyone who is Catholic. Their first mission was to help out in hospitals and enlightened the patients and strengthens them in their fate. They then gradually evolved to outreaching to the prostitutes of Dublin. As their mission grew they got more committed members and had more audience to preach. By 1928, Frank Duff wrote down the system of their organization in the book “Handbook of the Legion of Mary”. This organization has two divisions, the active members and the auxiliary members. The active members are the ones who attend a Legion meeting once a week and would perform works of service at least 2 hours a week. On the other hand, the auxiliary members pray the rosary and prayers of the Legion of Mary for the intentions of the Blessed mother.

In 1931 the Pope, Pius XI, recognized the works of the Legion and trusted fully by the clergy. After which people started working harder to strive for their goal. Example for a hard worker would be Edel Mary Quinn. She died at a young age of 29. She was very active in the borders of Africa during the 30s and 40s. Since she worked hard in spreading their mission in Africa, she got sick and passed away.

Text Box: Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary went across the globe and then sooner or later landed in the Islands of the Philippines. 1971 was the year when the first presidium, meeting, of the Legion of Mary was organized in Fairview. During that time the Legion of Mary was affiliated with Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Project 6, Quezon City. This happened because there were no parish in the Philippines yet. The first officers of the Legion of Mary of the Philippines are Fr. Nico Bautista, known to be the Spiritual Director, Sis. Eden Vergara, President, Sis. Jean David as the Vice-President, Bro. Mel Abanilla as secretary, and Bro. Felino Vargas, Bro. Pepe Erestain, and Sis. Marina del Rosario. Today the Legion of Mary Still stands and there are five Senior and two junior Praesidia and their Spiritual Director is Msgr. Romy RaƱada. They continue to seek for Mary and follow her in serving God.

Knights of Columbus

“On Oct. 2, 1881, a group of men met in the basement of St. Mary’s Church on Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut. Called together by their 29-year-old parish priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, these men formed a fraternal society that would one day become the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. They sought strength in solidarity, and security through unity of purpose and devotion to a holy cause: they vowed to be defenders of their country, their families and their faith.These men were bound together by the ideal of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the Americas, the one whose hand brought Christianity to the New World. Their efforts came to fruition with the incorporation of the Knights of Columbus on March 29, 1882. They were Knights of Columbus.

The Order has been called "the strong right arm of the Church," and has been praised by popes, presidents and other world leaders, for support of the Church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement and aid to those in need. Father McGivney’s founding vision for the Order also included a life insurance program to provide for the widows and orphans of deceased members. The Order’s insurance program has expanded substantially to serve more effectively the Knights’ growing membership.

Year after year, the Knights of Columbus has earned the highest possible quality ratings for financial soundness from A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s. The Order provides the highest quality insurance, annuity and long-term care products to its members, along with many other fraternal benefits.

The Supreme Council is the governing body of the Knights of Columbus and is responsible for the development of the organization as a whole. Supreme Council duties include establishing the Order in new regions and setting up regional authorities, defining and advancing its values and goals, undertaking organization-wide initiatives, promoting awareness of the Knights’ mission worldwide, and protecting the families of members through its extensive insurance program. Members working in local, or subordinate councils, however, carry on the majority of the Knights’ beneficial work.”

Opus Dei

The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, otherwise known as Opus Dei, is an organization of the Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. People that are in Opus Dei are lay people, with secular priests under the governance of a prelate appointed by the pope. “Work of God”, which is the Latin for Opus Dei hence the people and supporters of Opus Dei are known as the “Work.”

St. Josemari de Escriva founded Opus Dei on 1928 in Spain, and it was given its final approval from the Vatican, under Pope Pius XII on 1950. Later on it became into a personal prelature under Pope John Paul II, which is the jurisdiction of its bishop covers the persons in Opus Dei wherever they are, rather than geographical dioceses.

Opus Dei is spread worldwide in 90 different countries with 87000 members. About 65% of the members live in private homes and they live a traditional Catholic life continuing on with their secular lives. The rest 35% are celibates, priests and nuns, and they, unlike the rest, leave in Opus Dei centers.

Opus Dei trains its members to apply Catholic spiritually in daily life. They are not only involved in personal charity and social work but are also involved in running universities and residences, schools and technical and agricultural training centers.

When there is good, there is always the absence of it. Opus Dei is also known for being the most controversial force in the Catholic Church. People consider Opus Dei as a sign of contradiction. Several popes and other Catholic leaders have endorsed what they see as its innovative teaching on the sanctifying value of work, and its fidelity to Catholic beliefs. Later on, Pope John Paul II, a pope loved by Catholics and non-Catholics, canonized Josemaria Escriva to a Saint, and called him “the saint of ordinary life.” This sort of settled down the issue whether Opus Dei is a contradicting force or not but nevertheless, the idea of Opus Dei being a controversial remains. Also, it is criticized for allegedly seeking independence and more influence. During the recent years, Opus Dei received its attention in a not nice fashion because of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. This only misleads the non Catholics believing that Opus Dei is indeed a controversial force against the Catholic Church.


As the Church grows, there will be people who will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to commit their time in ministry. The Church gets all the help she can get from the Holy Spirit and her fellow members. The organizations formed during this century goes really helped the church in spreading the faith. These people didn’t have to join these groups but through their own will that they will suffer for others. And because of these self-less people the Church still stands mightily today in protecting and telling others about the faith.

Study Questions

What is the importance of Lay Ecclesial Movements to members of modern society? How does this allow them to be closer to God? In what ways can they still serve the Lord while being part of the laity?

How was Couples for Christ founded and for what reason was it founded? What then is its mission and vision in modern society?

Who is eligible to join the Legion of Mary? What different types of Legion membership exist?

What is the mission of the Knights of Colombus? How is this similar or dissimilar to that of Opus Dei?

Practical Exercises

Seeing as Couples for Christ is a movement which emphasizes family and the role of parents, make a list of problems that face modern families and, together with a partner discuss how the mission of CFC could solve these.

From Knights of Columbus to Legion of Mary, how does each of these organizations differ from one another? Compare and Contrast them and add notes as well. May members of one join the other? And if not how would they know the right one?

Catechism of the Catholic Church

855 The Church's mission stimulates efforts towards Christian unity. Indeed, "divisions among Christians prevent the Church from realizing in practice the fullness of catholicity proper to her in those of her sons who, though joined to her by Baptism, are yet separated from full communion with her. Furthermore, the Church herself finds it more difficult to express in actual life her full catholicity in all its aspects."

1604 God who created man out of love also calls him to love the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being. For man is created in the image and likeness of God who is himself love. Since God created him man and woman, their mutual love becomes an image of the absolute and unfailing love with which God loves man. It is good, very good, in the Creator's eyes. And this love which God blesses is intended to be fruitful and to be realized in the common work of watching over creation: "And God blessed them, and God said to them: 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.'"



Raphael Mutuc – Legion of Mary, Study Questions, Practical Exercises, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Conclusion, Organization

Angelo Santiago – Couples for Christ, Study Questions, Practical Exercises, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Introduction, Organization

Vinny Layog – Knights of Colombus

Allen Joo – Opus Dei

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